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The Pit Hungers

Soggy mushrooms, abundant bat guano, and the occasional bodies of dead villagers is all well and good, but it gets boring after a while, even for the manifestation of an infernal vampiric agriculture god.

The Pit Calls

From beyond the gates of death, some are called to service the needs of The Pit.

Feed The Pit

Gold? Jewels? Useless. The Pit wants to feed, and baubles and treasures are not usually digestable. Find The Pit something a bit more…compostable. But make it something new, The Pit is tired of the same old organic matter found locally.

Feed-the-Pit Player Space



Venison Heights

That's what Grad Students are for

Secret GM Stuff

start.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/21 03:20 by epicanis